In Thailand, fighters wear armbands know as Krang Ruang on the left bicep. They are believed to bring good luck and protection from injury in the ring. Often, they are made with locks of hair of loved ones, small images of the Buddha or from a piece of the fighters’ mothers’ sarong.
In the UK, they serve the same function as belts in other traditional martial arts. Our syllabus will take you from beginner right through to Senior Instructor level. It does not, however, merely teach set techniques, although specific strikes form the majority of the assessment.
Please read through our syllabus outline to get an idea of how we assess our students. Click the grade title to download the appropriate grading sheet.
The student is taught the first part of the Wai Kru Ram Muay, a ritual dance performed before combat. Basic self defence is assessed along with the standard attack strikes. Some exercises are required.
The student is taught the rest of the Wai Kru Ram Muay. More self defence is required, along with the rest of the standard attack strikes. Some flying strikes are introduced. More difficult exercises are required.
The student is taught another Wai Kru Ram Muay. Self defence is required, and some defence from weapons is introduced. Sparring is assessed for the first time. Exercises are required, both harder and with more repetitions than previous. More flying strikes and special kicks are required. Defence from the standard attack strikes is assessed.
Blue/ White
Self defence against weapons is assessed. The focus is now on students demonstrating their technique through their own combinations. Defence and counter from all standard and flying strikes is required. The exercises now become testing. Master techniques known as Mae Mai and their complementary minor techniques, called Luk Mai are introduced.
Brown/ White
Brown/ White/ Yellow
Self defence against weapons and multiple attackers is assessed. Students demonstrate their techniques throw their own combinations, which must now include defence techniques. Students demonstrate use of equipment such as focus mitts, punch bags and belly protectors. Sparring is more intense, and split into component parts. Assessment on knowledge of Thai culture and Muay Thai. Students are required to teach the assessor how to perform specific techniques asked. Exercises become particularly difficult and require good strength, stamina and cardiovascular capacity. Remaining Mae Mai and Luk Mai are taught.
Brown/ White/ Yellow/ Green
The student should now be ready to begin teaching. Assessment focuses on the students knowledge of the circle of attack, defence and counter, and the capacity for combat. A very difficult grade, lasting up to 3 hours.
The student will be able to perform any task from any previous grade. Knowledge of every attack, defence and counter must be demonstrated, along with all Mae Mai and Luk Mai. A 45 minute physical test precedes the assessment. Sparring is over 5 x 2 minute rounds against a different opponent each round with no rest period. Thereafter, students are assessed over 3 x3 minute rounds of clinching and knee techniques, 1 x 5 minute round where only defensive and counter techniques are permitted, and 1 x 5 minute round of demonstration techniques involving jumping, spinning and flying techniques. Students must show capability in the use of all pieces of equipment. Students will be placed in a live self defence situation against weapons and multiple attackers. A presentation on Muay Thai history and culture lasting fifteen minutes is required. The student must then teach a class of at least 10 students of varying levels for 1 hour.